The results of the UAV Siswa Challenge 2013/2014 have been announced in the DSA 2014 Exhibition which was held in PWTC, Kuala Lumpur on 16 April 2014. Our Universiti Putra Malaysia teams (Icarus and Langit Biru UPM) won Second and Third Place respectively whereas Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) was announced as the Winner of the competition. Congratulations to the Namtor team from UiTM!
Even though we are not the Winner of the competition, we are glad that both our UPM teams managed to obtain top 3 ranks out of 8 teams from 5 different universities that took part. We are also happy that we managed to complete the given missions during the competition. The winner was able to perform the missions faster than us and managed to drop the sand-balloon over the required target.
Entire journey during the competition has taught us a lot new experiences in terms of team work, task distribution, problem-solving skills, decision-making, practical works, meeting people from aviation field, foreign and local government officials and etc. Besides that, we really had to learn to manage our time to make sure that our academic performance was not affected by the competition preparation. Thanks to the professors and lecturers who always adviced us and kept us motivated. Not to forget, Dassault Aviation and co-organizers, thanks for coming up with this great competition and for giving us an opportunity to explore the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle research and development. UAV Siswa Challenge certainly was an entry-point for us into the UAV field.
Not to lose the momentum, with the support from the lecturers in our Aerospace Engineering Department of Universiti Putra Malaysia, we have started more multi-rotor based research and development projects for undergraduate students. Our Aerospace Student Society (AEROS) is currently having its own special wing called Aeros UAV Research Group and consists of 60 active members of all academic years. Being the head of the group, I'm really happy with the interest shown and commitment given by fellow friends and juniors. These activities certainly would keep us all motivated and continue having passion towards Aerospace Field throughout our academic years in UPM and beyond!
Not to lose the momentum, with the support from the lecturers in our Aerospace Engineering Department of Universiti Putra Malaysia, we have started more multi-rotor based research and development projects for undergraduate students. Our Aerospace Student Society (AEROS) is currently having its own special wing called Aeros UAV Research Group and consists of 60 active members of all academic years. Being the head of the group, I'm really happy with the interest shown and commitment given by fellow friends and juniors. These activities certainly would keep us all motivated and continue having passion towards Aerospace Field throughout our academic years in UPM and beyond!
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